Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Wrestler (2008)

It’s always hard to go into a heavily nominated film for me. This won’t surprise you at all if you know me, but I tend to overanalyze things… So, the question with this film for most is, “Did Mickey Rourke get snubbed at the Oscars?” Well, I can’t answer that because I haven’t seen Milk. I think the bigger question should be, “Would this movie’s story propel over the performances?” The answer is… not quite, but The Wrestler is still a powerful independent film that dissects the fear of loneliness and losing what is most important to you. Rourke plays Randy “The Ram” Robinson, a huge 80’s wrestling icon that finally has to face the reality of his age and the fact that he can’t demolish his body in stinky convention centers anymore. Rourke’s performance is pretty amazing as he captures the essence of the toils of life in an almost too frightening way. It’s the type of acting that transcends into normal life. Watching this movie will cause you to start seeing “real” people on the streets and thinking of Randy “The Ram.” Not because they look like former wrestlers, but you start to see and visualize the personalized hell on their faces, and you can’t help but be reminded of this film’s messages. It’s a very grim movie, but it stays with you, and you come to realize that the things you take stock in truly form you into who you are, for better or for worse. Some of the scenes and situations are a little clichéd from time to time, but Rourke’s amazing performance and director Darren Aronofsky’s innovative shooting style makes me give The Wrestler 4 out of 5 hair-metal songs.

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