Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Junebug (2005)

This is one of my favorites in my archive and thought you might enjoy reading it.  Originally written on July 29, 2006.
One of the best "new" films I have watched in a long time. I loved, loved this movie. It's about a British art dealer from Chicago who goes with her husband to North Carolina to knock out two birds with one stone to talk to a potential client (this is an overstatement) and meet his family for the first time.

I know you are immediately thinking of Fish Out of Water comedies, possibly like Monster-in-Law or Home for the Holidays (although I haven't see either of these), or Meet the Parents (which I have), but this does not fall into the usual cliches.

I guess I would categorize this film as a dramedy. More on the dramatic side, but the comedic scenes had me laughing more than I have laughed in a long time.

I'll touch on some of the few things I loved about this film:

#1: The setting. I haven't spent much time in North Carolina, but what little I have seen of it and what little time I have spent with the people from this state, it reminds me a lot of East Texas. This movie captures this southern atmosphere perfectly. It pokes fun a bit, but not in a mean manner. The guy who wrote this movie is from the Winston-Salem area, so he obviously knows what he is writing about. The scenery will have you going, "I know a place like that" and the characters will have you saying, "I definitely know somebody like that." If you are from the South, that is.

#2: The acting. Amazing all around. I hadn't really seen the other supporting female roles that got nominated in 2006, but after seeing this, Amy Adams could have definitely taken it with pride. She is amazing as a dumb-witted pregnant girl, but she adds so much more depth to this character than your average "air-head" that is usually portrayed in movies. She actually reminded a whole, whole lot of a good friend of mine. A big part of why I enjoyed the performance.

Also, Ben McKenzie's portrayal as the jealous, closed-off brother, Johnny is excellent as well. I haven't seen him in anything else before, although I recognized him from the O.C. I have never seen that show and never will, but his performance here not only surprised me, but made me change my mind about how I felt about his character multiple times throughout the movie. But the thing is, he stays constant throughout. You know that is good acting when your feelings change that much about a character.

I could go on and on, which I already have, so I will stop. This is definitely an independent film, so I wouldn't be surprised if some people "don't get it", but I would be completely taken back if somebody wasn't moved at least once while watching this.

Warning, there is quite a bit of sexual content in this movie. If you do see this because of my glowing review, I am warning you in advance.

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