Saturday, May 2, 2009

Adventureland (2009)

Movie trailers are very misleading.  This movie was billed as a comedy from the creators of Superbad.  The image that should pop into your head is quite the opposite of what this movie actually is, which happens to be a wonderful thing.  This film is a pretty serious drama that captures “the coming of age” moment in life perfectly.  James Brennan (Jesse Eisenberg, channeling a deeper Michael Cera) is an intellectual dork whose post-college plans come crashing down as he is faced to take a summer job at a crappy local amusement park.  He meets the girl of his dreams (Twilight’s Kristen Stewart), makes new friends (the brilliant Martin Starr from Freaks & Geeks) and embraces the rebellion of coming into his own.  On the surface this seems like nothing new, but director Greg Mottola uses the 80’s background and soundtrack to showcase that time in life where people and atmosphere, whether you like them or not, has more of an influence of who you are than today’s media and technology might tell you.  There are a few missteps… Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig, although funny, seem out of place and there are a few scenes that drag the story along too much.  Fortunately, it’s not enough to retract that nostalgic feeling I got of the time where the world was at my fingertips, but I just couldn’t grasp it.  I give Adventureland 4 out of 5 corndogs.

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