Friday, May 30, 2008

Whitney's new car

After a grueling day, Whitney drove back to her apartment last night in a new Nissan Rogue!

It's a really great car and perfect for when you are looking for something in between a car and a really big SUV.  It really fits her perfectly and she was nice enough to let me drive it some last night.  I sometimes forget what it's like to drive a car and not notice gears shifting when you accelerate.  You really have to be careful not to go too fast in it.

I unfortunately couldn't be with her as she went through the process of trading in her Chevy Trailblazer.  I've never had to deal with a dealership, and after the long day she had, I don't want to anytime soon.  She beat the system without too many scars and hopefully I can learn from her tough negotiating skills when it comes time that I need a new gas guzzler.

Do you have any bad or good experiences buying a car?

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