Friday, February 12, 2010

Survivor H/V: Week 1

Week 1:
Shoulders, Toes, and Bras. Oh my!

I’m already hyped up for what seems like a great season. I loved this first episode. When I saw the first all-stars, it was different because it was first time that I had seen the show. This time around, I recognize everybody, which makes it a lot more fun.

We had some power issues, so our DVR didn’t record the last 30 minutes of the show after the immunity challenge, so we missed all of of that, but it quickly became apparent that Sugar was going to be the first victim. Really, no surprise there and I never really liked her the first time, so I’m okay with more competitive people being around.

What I like so far about this season is that the past winners aren’t immediately a direct target like they were in the All-Stars season. That may change as the season goes along, especially in the last final tribal council, but this time around it seems like everybody is starting fresh from scratch.

Here are my quick thoughts, and hopefully Boston Rob will be around after the next episode. He’s too entertaining not to have around!

* Awesome opening challenge. It couldn’t have played out better.

* It’s funny how easily it is to start rooting for the heroes. They really assembled a strong group with those guys.

* Coach owned Colby. Thus, there will be millions of parents naming their children Coach in the future.

* Bras are meant for support, but sometimes they can be hindering to your ultimate goal. How great was it that Sugar won that battle?

* Stephanie dislocates her shoulder, puts it back and doesn’t complain about it afterwards. This is why everybody loves her.

* People better watch out for J.T. I like the idea of Tom and him working together. It reminds me of when Tom aligned himself with Ian.

* Rupert is not looking good so far. That toe will catch up to him and so far it doesn’t look like he is making good connections within his tribe.

* I loved Russell last season, but two seasons in a row may be a little overkill. It’s like going to high school with the guy with little-man syndrome and then finding out he is sitting next to you in your first college class. A little bit of Russell goes a long way. I do like that he has more of a challenge this time around.

* I forgot how cool Colby is. He may be my man crush like Coach has a man crush for Boston Rob.

* If Boston Rob sticks around, him and Sandra could make a lethal combination. Although she’s not my favorite, I love how comfortable she is in her own skin.

* Also, watch out for Cirie. How do people overlook her every time?

* And for my final thought.... Coach + Jeri = Ewwwwwwww

Until next week!

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