Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fall is here!

It has felt so wonderful here in Dallas the past couple of days!  There always comes that time in August where you don't know if you can take anymore of the heat.  We were very fortunate to not get hit by Hurricane Ike, but it did bring on weather whose high has been 80 degrees and a low of 55 in the morning.

This kind of climate change undoubtedly causes me to have to roll down my windows and play the best songs I can, as loud as I can, on my car speakers.  It also can't help make me feel anxious for more fall events: football, Halloween, camp fires, fleece sweatshirts...

Whitney and I concluded it's the best time of year and we are so excited that it's going to be so nice outside for our engagement photos tomorrow!

What's your favorite season and why?

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